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A light and extremely powerful future !

What are the advantages of the innovative PWA technology increasingly pushed by the web giants?

A PWA app concentrates better performance for your site on mobile devices and more features, not to mention its lightness.

To cite just these examples; Twitter Lite, Pinterest, L’Equipe and Le PAL have chosen to retain their users through a Progressive Web App. The real reason is that this is an optimized version of a mobile site that incorporates the features of a native application that are normally unavailable on a web browser.

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What does Trendygital promise you for your PWA app?

A PWA mobile application does not require any downloads from the stores; App Store, Google Play Store or Windows Phone.

Trendygital allows you to combine the ultimate in new web technologies and native applications for your PWA, here are a few points:

  • Call to action on the reception of the application facilitating its installation on the Smartphone
  • Access to native features of the Smartphone; Camera, geolocation etc.
  • Sending push notifications to your users for each of your posts
  • Access to app content offline using offline mode
  • Modern and very clean design corresponding to the colors of your company
  • Specific hosting on a dedicated server for ultra-fast page loading

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