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Your customers and competitors are obviously on social media.

So you need to set goals for yourself to perform and stand out.
Thanks to the great opportunity offered by social networks, you can promote your innovative offers and services.

  • Gain notoriety
  • Improve your engagement rate
  • Generate leads, (qualified contact)

Gain notoriety
Visibility on social networks is a constant management.
By guaranteeing daily animation of your preferred social network profiles, you can build a community that can share your various high-potential content so that it is quickly and exponentially visible to thousands of users.
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  • Track all your performance indicators, your number of fans and subscribers to your social networks
  • The number of mentions of your social networks when a user shares a post by tagging your account.
  • As a result, your company where brand is mentioned and thus gains notoriety.
  • Track the number of views of your publications, this key indicator allows you to measure the reach of your publications

Improve your engagement rate

For your brand to quickly acquire real notoriety and gain leads, you must make your fans and subscribers interact with your publications on each of the social networks. Improving your social media engagement rate is critical because the higher the engagement, the better your community will bring you qualified contacts.

You must therefore follow the following key indicators :

  • Number of thumbs up, (Like)
  • Number of comments and shares of your publications which allows you to have an engaged community.
  • Number of clicks, because it is from one click that you will encourage your fans and subscribers to take specific actions.
  • The click-through rate also allows you to measure your engagement rate.
  • Number of visits to your website, because engagement is also measured when a user of your social network profile visits your site, this is because he wants to know more about your offers and / or products

Generate qualified leads, (qualified contact)

Using social networks will allow you to gain new customers and increase your turnover, while making your offers stand out.
To measure your performance in terms of lead generation, you must follow your only ally, your conversion rate because only he can give you a precise indication on the generation of leads created from your social networks.


It is important to be responsive and host your various social networks on a daily basis to acquire qualified and engaged subscribers.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

See you soon on Trendygital for your targeted social-media strategy !

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